Registration of changes in information and founding documents
Registration of changes in information and in the founding documents is part of the legal support when registering business from the law firm AGTL Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odessa. In particular, information about legal entities and entrepreneurs, as well as changes made in the founding documents of legal entities.
If it is necessary to make a whole set of changes, our specialists will develop the most optimal procedures and stages of the registration of changes, as soon as possible will carry out the preparation of documents.
Our advantages
Legal advice from lawyers with deep and comprehensive knowledge of corporate and registration law;
The ability to finalize documentation for your current and future business- tasks that meet the requirements of the law;
impeccably prepared package of documents in the shortest possible time with minimal cost.
In the course of the company’s activities, it is often necessary to make changes to the founding documents of the legal entity, related to the change of name, location, activities, changes in the size of the share capital, etc.
The need to make various changes arises in cases of decision to restructure the business.
Some reorganization procedures (accession, allocation) entail the need to register changes to the founding documents.
Changing the membership of the participants in the LLC
A special procedure has been established by law to make changes to the composition of the members of the LLC. The procedure of changing the participants in the LLC has become more complicated and requires a fairly regulated procedure of notary certificate of the transaction to divest a stake in the LLC or accurate compliance with the order of conclusion of transactions and/or procedures that do not require a notary form of transaction.
Our specialists carry out legal support for the conclusion of a notarized deal on the divestment of shares in the LLC (consultation, preparation of the necessary documents for the transaction, agreement of documents on the transaction with the notary, including complex transactions and controversial issues, obtaining registered documents).
Specialists of the law firm AGTL are also ready to develop and offer optimal procedures, which do not provide for the law notary form of transaction, and to implement in full the support of such changes.
We will advise you, help you organize a business, choose a tax system, and if necessary – accompany the process of organizing your business on legal, accounting and tax issues. And believe me, your money will certainly come back to you.