Package “Introduction of a trade secret regime in the organization”
Samples of documents that establish the introduction of trade secrets from the law firm AGTL Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odessa. Documents introduce a regime in the enterprise, organization or institution. Our lawyers have extensive experience in conducting comprehensive legal audits of companies (Due Diligence), practical solutions to various issues arising in the course of business activities of companies of various fields (from production to Internet technologies), support of investment projects and structuring transactions with assets.
Trade secrets are a privacy mode that allows its holder to increase income under existing or possible circumstances, avoid unnecessary expenses, maintain market position for goods, works, services, or obtain other commercial benefits. The privacy regime refers to the introduction and maintenance of special measures to protect information.
Also, by trade secret may imply the very information that constitutes trade secrets, that is, scientific and technical, technological, production, financial and economic or other information, including the component of the secrets of production (know-how), which has a valid or potential commercial value due to the unknown of its third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and in respect of which the owner of such information is entered by the regime of commercial secrecy.
The holder of the information has the right to attribute it to a trade secret (introduction of trade secrets), if this information meets the above criteria and is not included in the list of information that may not constitute trade secrets. In order for the information to be granted the status of a trade secret, its owner must perform the established procedures (drawing up a list, drawing a vulture and some others). Once obtained the status of trade secrets, information begins to be protected by law.
Our benefits of introducing trade secrets
Contracts that protect the business interests of clients, reduce the risk of financial losses;
Minimizing commercial risks of acquiring assets or businesses after legal analysis;
development of contractual schemes, templates of model contracts.
Document the introduction of trade secrets.Cost, UAH.
- Order to establish a regime of introduction of trade secrets and approval of the list of information related to the trade secrets of 3000
- Trade Secrets Regulation 5000
- Regulation on how to handle documents and information classified as trade secrets 3000
- Model non-disclosure agreement (confidential information) 2000
- Employment contract with employees working with information containing trade secrets 2000
The full package cost 13,000
This package of documents includes provisions for the processing of employees’ personal data
Disclosure of trade secrets
Disclosure of information comprising trade secrets – action or omission, as a result of which information that constitutes trade secrets, in any possible form (oral, written, other form, including using technical means) becomes known to third parties without the consent of the owner of such information or contrary to an employment or civil contract.
For disclosure (deliberate or reckless), as well as for the illegal use of information that constitutes trade secrets, there is a responsibility – disciplinary, civil law, administrative, criminal and material. Material responsibility comes regardless of other forms of responsibility. The introduction of trade secrets allows for the appropriate responsibility and discipline of employees.
We will advise you, help you organize a business, choose a tax system, and if necessary – accompany the process of organizing your business on legal, accounting, tax, as well as financial issues. And believe me, your money will certainly come back to you.